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Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last
MCN Festival of Motorcycling 2017

Lorraine and I decided to leave a day early to break up the journey, so after an overnight stop at Kerry’s on Thursday in oxford, Friday came and off we set.
We arrived at the show ground at around 10.30am only to be told the gates didn't open until 12 noon. As we waited, we put the kettle on for a brew.  No sooner had the kettle gone on, who should pull in two vans behind us but Anita and Pete.
Once the gate opened we found our pitch and set up the Indian camp. Other members followed as the day went on.  Vera and Andy followed by snowy and Maureen, then Tim berry and then Alison and Jamie. The last to arrive was the oldies Mike and Sybil.
Once settled we hit the beer and wine, a few of us left the group to test out the bar. On leaving the bar I got lost and had to phone Anita for directions.  Thanks for the help. I made it to my bed.

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Saturday started off wet and cold but warmed up a little in the afternoon. After we took turns in going round the jumble the group went to watch the speedway and see the new Indian Scouts racing.  I stayed behind and manned the stall. There was an accident and one of the riders was rushed to hospital. As I wasn't there someone will have to fill in the details.
The evening came and more beverages were consumed.  After a good nights sleep Sunday soon came round.  After constant rain on the Saturday night, it stopped by 8am and we had a gloriously sunny day. There was more jumble then I managed to blag two passes for the paddock.  As snowy and myself hadn't seen the racing the day before, we went to see what was going on.  Lorraine tagged along to show us how to get in. As we approached the paddock they opened the gate for us and Lorraine just casually followed. Snowy and Lorraine sat on one of the race bike's then had a chat to some of the riders. Before the race started the American panel van with the Indian logo on the side led the bikes around the track, Lorraine managed to blag a ride.  What a cheek, didn't even have a pass. After we watched a couple of races we left to go back to camp and pack for our journey home.

We said our goodbye's and left for home, yet again stopping off in oxford. Hope you all had a good weekend. See you all again soon


Bill "Grumpy Old Git" HerbertBill Herbert




Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last  
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